Locations & Contact
For general inquiries, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page.
For a list of our office Locations, scroll further down the page.
If you are referring clients to one of our service programs, please see the list of Contacts below.
General Information
Phone: (510) 601-0203
Email: mail@abetterwayinc.net
Alameda County Clinical Services
Intake/Referral: (510) 433-8600
Email: ACMHintake@abetterwayinc.net
Human Resources/Employment Information
Phone: (510) 601-0203
Email: hr@abetterwayinc.net
Parent Engagement Program
Phone: (510) 247-1500
Permanency Program - Foster/Adoption Intake
Phone: (510) 926-9088
Email: permanencyintake@abetterwayinc.net
San Francisco County Clinical Services
Intake/Referral: (415) 715-1050 Ext: 2001
Santa Cruz Parent Partner Program
Phone: (831) 308-4666
Training Program Information
Phone: (510) 913-1326
Email: trainings@abetterwayinc.net
Volunteer/Donation/Media/Event Information
Phone: (510)853-1179
Email: mpasley@abetterwayinc.net
Berkeley Headquarters
3200 Adeline Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone: (510) 601-0203
Fax: (510) 740-8467
Fairfield Office - Mental Health
1234 Empire Street, Suite 1500
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (707) 426-4746
Fax: (707) 419-6164
Oakland Office
426 17th Street, Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 433-8600
Fax: (510) 454-0140
Hayward Office
1558 B Street
Hayward, CA 94544
Phone: (510) 247-1500
Fax: (510) 247-1515
Ratto’s Block Office
825 Washington Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510) 835-8683
San Francisco Office
832 Folsom Street, Suite 702
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (415) 715-1050
Fax: (415)761-2412
Santa Cruz Office
903 Pacific Ave Suite 307 A&B
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (831) 308-4666
Fax: (510) 247-1515